NWengine 0.9
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Chash< SoundIdentifier >Hash function specialization for SoundIdentifier
 Chash< TextureIdentifier >
 CAnimationSequence of frames with durations
 CAnimatorRepresents an animator component that can be attached to a game object
 CAssetThe base class for all assets
 CAudioEmitterComponent that emits audio in a game object
 CAudioListenerRepresents an audio listener component attached to a game object
 CBatchBatch of game objects to be rendered together
 CBezierInterpolatorBezier curve interpolator
 CCameraCamera in the game world
 CCharacterStruct representing a character
 CColliderBase collider component
 CContextApplication context
 CDllHandleA handle to a dynamic-link library (DLL)
 CFontClass representing a font asset
 CFrameBufferFramebuffer object
 CGameComponentBase class for game components
 CGameObjectClass representing a game object
 CGlyphClass representing a glyph
 CImageRepresents an image asset
 CInputsInput state and provides methods to process and retrieve input
 CInterpolatorGeneric interpolator
 CNWTimeTime-related functionality
 CParticleRepresents a particle
 CParticlePropertiesStructure that holds the properties of a particle
 CParticleSystemRepresents a particle system component that can be attached to a game object
 CPrimitivesCollection of primitive shapes
 CQuadQuad shape
 CQuadInternalInternal implementation of a quad shape
 CRendererResponsible for rendering GameObjects using a specified shader
 CSceneRepresents a scene in the game
 CScriptThe base class for script components
 CScriptableThe base class for scriptable components
 CSerializedBase class for serialization and deserialization
 CShaderClass representing a shader asset
 CShaderTextStruct representing the text of a shader
 CSoundRepresents a sound asset
 CSoundIdentifierStructure representing a sound identifier
 CSpriteRepresents a game sprite
 CTextText component that can be attached to a GameObject
 CTextureClass representing a texture asset
 CTextureIdentifierStruct representing the identifier of a texture
 CTransformTransformation of a game object