NWengine 0.9
This is the complete list of members for Context, including all inherited members.
Clear(float r=0.0f, float g=0.0f, float b=0.0f, float a=1.0f) | Context | static |
Destroy() | Context | static |
EnableBlend(bool status=true) | Context | static |
EnableDepthTest(bool status=true) | Context | static |
EnableWireframe(bool status=true) | Context | static |
InitContext(int scrWidth, int scrHeight) | Context | static |
NATIVE_HEIGHT | Context | static |
NATIVE_WIDTH | Context | static |
SetFullscreen(bool state=true) | Context | static |
SetTitle(const char *title) | Context | static |
SetViewPort(int x, int y, int sizeX, int sizeY) | Context | static |
ShouldClose() | Context | static |
Update() | Context | static |
vSync | Context | static |
window | Context | static |
WINDOW_HEIGHT | Context | static |
WINDOW_WIDTH | Context | static |